

Dropdown Menu Pro


By simply copying and pasting, you can add a dropdown menu to your Ghost blog that works on both desktop and mobile screens, without modifying the theme files!

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Novel — Book & Tag Ghost Theme


Novel is a Ghost theme designed for online book reading and tag-based content grouping. With Novel, publishing books or organizing content is simple, offering readers an immersive and organized reading experience.Demo: https://novel.rakihub.com/Doc: https://blog.rakihub.com/theme-novel-documentation/

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Rakihub TOC Pro — Table of Contents Widget


Make a one-time purchase for lifetime access to the logo-free code. Rakihub TOC is a flexible widget that lets you choose your preferred TOC styles and automatically generates a Table of Contents for your Ghost blog. • Try Rakihub TOC: https://rakihub.com/tool/toc • More about Rakihub TOC: https://blog.rakihub.com/automated-and-personalized-table-of-contents-widget/

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